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Bakeries & Coffee Houses
in Santa Fe, NM
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Bakeries & Coffee Houses Santa Fe - Find Santa Fe Bakeries & Coffee Houses businesses and services here
Santa Fe, New Mexico,
Pyramid Cafe
751 Central Ave
Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544
(505) 661-1717
Aroma Coffee Company of Santa Fe
4 Bisbee Ct
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87508
Cloud Cliff Bakery
1805 2nd St
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505
(505) 983-6254
Zaragoza Bakery
3277 Cerrillos Rd
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87507
(505) 471-9383
Okeefe Cafe
Santa Fe
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 820-2228
Cafe Cafe
500 Sandoval St
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 466-1391
Wonder Bread
2859 Cooks Rd
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87507
(505) 473-5699
El Tesoro Cafe
500 Montezuma Ave
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 988-3886
Starbucks Coffee
1801 Central Ave
Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544
(505) 661-0100
Mission Cafe & Sweet Shop
239 E de Vargas St
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 983-3033
Ecco Expresso & Gelato
105 E Marcy St
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 986-9778
Cleopatra Cafe
418 Cerrillos Rd
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 820-7381
El Paso Baking Co
PO Box 1768
Espanola, New Mexico, 87532
(505) 753-1828
Tecolote Cafe
1203 Cerrillos Rd
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505
(505) 988-1362
Latitudes Espresso and Ice Cream
228 Old Santa Fe Trl
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 986-9607
Chamisa Cafe & Bar
100 Sandoval St
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 988-2811
Guadalupe Cafe
422 Old Santa Fe Trl
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87501
(505) 982-9762
Cafe Aldea
60 Avenida Aldea
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87507
(505) 473-2877
Roadrunner Cafe
43 Ogo Wii
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87506
(505) 455-3012
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