Nancy Youngblood Inc.

Suite B-7, Box 188
Santa Fe , New Mexico  87505

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Nancy Youngblood Inc., Santa Fe

To feel the fire, you have to be the fire. To be the fire, you have to be one with the flame. Nancy Youngblood is the flame. She is the flame that dances behind every jewel-like piece of pottery she produces. Each piece is like her child; birthed by Nancy's flame into perfection. Nancy Youngblood (native name Yellow Aspen) was born at Fort Lewis, Washington in 1955 to Mela and Walton Youngblood. Mela Tafoya had met and married Walton in Colorado Springs, CO., where he was in the army. Nancy spent her early years on army bases in the United States and Europe, but came to the Santa Clara Pueblo with their mother in 1968 when Walton was sent to Vietnam.


Art Galleries, Artisans